About me
Gini Baker, RN, MPH, IBCLC has over 25 years experience in the medical and professional lactation field. In addition to being a practicing IBCLC® for over 20 years, she has owned a medical equipment/DME company and a maternity clothing and education business. Gini developed and coordinates the lactation programs for the University of California San Diego which includes Lactation Specialist for the Baby Friendly training, the Certified Lactation Educator program, and the Lactation Consultant program. She has worked with the IBLCE® board to develop the protocols and format for the stand alone pathway 2 lactation consultant training program. Gini Baker developed and coordinates the first university based, fully online lactation education program. Gini Baker is an active member of ILCA® and serves on several professional development committees as well as being a speaker for the annual ILCA conference. Clinically, Gini recently retired from a staff IBCLC position at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women in San Diego, California with a subspecialty of high risk infants and feeding issues. She is an international trainer for the lactation profession and brings humor to learning and change. Gini Baker has 2 daughters and 7 fully breastfed grandchildren. In her spare time, Gini, with her husband Don, is a member of the San Diego Swim Masters and competes in local, national, and international masters swimming events and competitive ocean swimming.