USMS Volunteer Working Calendar
Thursday May 1, 2025 TBA
The process for assessing compliance with the standards is known as the standards cycle, additional information can be found on the LMSC Standards page. The next cycle begins May 1 with the distribution of questionnaires to LMSC chairs, treasurers, and sanctions chairs . The National Office and national swims coordinator will also collect input. The deadline for completing the questionnaires is June 1.The LMSC Standards cover seven main areas:
  1. Bylaws – Periodic review after initial achievement
  2. Administrative
  3. Communications
  4. Leadership
  5. Financial
  6. Event
  7. Top 10 
The LMSC Development Committee has created an LMSC Standards Road Map Calendar with abbreviated descriptions to assist LMSCs in knowing what needs to be done once only, annually, periodically and continuously. Please refer to the complete Current LMSC Standards, separated by category, for complete text on each standard.

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LMSC Development Committee

U.S. Masters Swimming
Thursday May 1, 2025 TBA

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