USMS Volunteer Working Calendar
National Coaches Clinic
For the first time, USMS will host Relay and the National Coaches Clinic together. This will create new opportunities that align with our values of camaraderie, inclusion, learning, excellent, competition, and fairness.

These two events will have separate tracks with relevant and engaging content presented by experts. Both events will be about building your local swimming community, with some sessions and all hospitality and social events combined.
The planned agendas for both events are available through the links below.

For Relay, we've also included details on who should attend, costs, hotel information, and registration links. LMSCs should closely review the details for Relay and determine who from your LMSC should attend.

LMSCs should also share details about the National Coaches Clinic with their local coaches. We also encourage LMSCs to offer scholarship support to their local coaches wishing to attend. This is a great way to use your resources to support your local programs.

For Relay, the National Office is covering hotel costs for a set number of LMSC representatives. We encourage LMSCs to provide financial support for their coaches to attend the National Coaches Clinic and consider whether to send more volunteers to Relay than the number funded by the National Office.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Houston this October!
  • Location - in person at the Houston Airport Marriott at George Bush Intercontinental
    • Airport Code: IAH
    • Address: 18700 John F Kennedy Blvd, Houston, TX 77032
    • The hotel is conveniently located just steps from the main terminal at the airport, which ensures a seamless arrival and departure.
  • Dates - October 18–20
  • Tentative Schedule - The NCC virtual schedule allows coaches to build their own agenda, learn about speakers, and more.
  • Scholarships - Please contact your LMSC for any scholarship/reimbursement information and availability
RegistrationRegistration will be available until enrollment reaches a max number of 125 attendees or 11:59 p.m. Pacific on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Friday October 18, 2024 TBA
Houston Airport Marriott at George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) 18700 John F Kennedy Blvd, Houston, TX 77032

Attendees (4)

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