USMS Volunteer Working Calendar
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Wednesday, April 30


Annual Financial Statement Deadline
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA
Each LMSC is required to send a copy of its annual financial report to the USMS National Office on or before April 30th.
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA


Annual LMSC Meeting Minutes Deadline
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA
Did your LMSC hold an annual meeting? If your LMSC did not hold an annual meeting, please let us know so we can update our records. If the LMSC did hold a meeting, please email the minutes, or send a link to where we can find them posted on your LMSC's web site.
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA


IRS Tax Filing Deadline
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA
For LMSCs with gross receipts of $50,000 or less, you can file Form 990N which is called an "e-Postcard" and is done entirely online. Only a handful of LMSCs with gross receipts of more than $50,000 must file either the form 990EZ or the full form 990. The 990N consists of eight questions and is very easy to file. It requires no financial data, so you can file it any time. They are due on May 15 but please file the 990N as soon as possible but no later than April 30, as it takes at least a week to be able to retrieve it off the IRS website.They are due on May 15 but please file the 990N as soon as possible but no later than April 30, as it takes at least a week to be able to retrieve it off the IRS website. 
Wednesday April 30, 2025 TBA

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